為人 The Min Jie School 為人
Becoming Human, Serving Humanity 

Min Jie Foundations 3: 
Dragons in the Field
Tigers in the Dark
Birth of the Min Jie Practitioner

Foundations 3 Image

Beyond the Boundaries of the Apparent Self

In the first two levels of our Min Jie Foundations practice we learn how to cultivate, refine, consolidate and apply the energies of our qi, jing, shen and constitution to our own self-healing. Yet our work is not complete until we can bring our cultivation, refinement and consolidation beyond the boundaries of the apparent self and into the real-world and our real-world relationships.

Dual Practice in a Partnered Environment

To this end, we convene for 8 days secluded in nature to begin to learn about and embody primal silence and its various applications in dual practice with both human and non-human partners. This partnered environment allows us to begin to learn how to learn from and with real life to become truly Min Jie.

Attendance in this workshop is by invitation only. Invitees are chosen from our group of eligible Min Jie Foundations 2 practitioners.

Min Jie School Classes, Workshops and Events